Blog firecom Efficient emergency response communication at DAMCO Aluminum (Aldel) thanks to Firecom equipment

Efficient emergency response communication at DAMCO Aluminum (Aldel) thanks to Firecom equipment

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Delfzijl - DAMCO Aluminum Delfzijl (Aldel) is the only aluminum smelter in the Netherlands. A traditional factory where production has been ramped up with pride and northern sobriety and the number of jobs has expanded considerably. Aluminum is infinitely recyclable and therefore a material with which Aldel accelerates the transition to a sustainable economy. Aldel is greening its production processes. We are working on the latest innovations in energy, electricity and logistics. The aluminum is suitable for the automotive industry, the energy sector and construction. For the Teslas and iPhones of this world.

Aldel was looking for a reliable partner for the emergency and communication of the emergency response organization. Through Institute for Safety and Environment from Coevorden they came into contact with the Rotterdam company Firecom. In the fall of 2019, Firecom delivered an alarm and communication system with 25 wireless alarm receivers and 5 walkie-talkies. The choice for traditional alarm receivers was mainly due to the high robustness, the attention value and the excellent range.

A central control room application makes it possible for security to quickly and easily alert the company emergency response organization. Everyone is alerted at the touch of a button, after which the emergency response organization ensures that incidents are settled quickly. For the control of the communication system, a Firecom Monitor. This system checks 24/7 whether the communication system is functioning properly. In case of irregularities, the 24/7 fault team of Firecom will take immediate action. In this way, Aldel is assured of reliable alarms.

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